10 Best Natural Remedies Acne Treatment

Written by Precious Ohasonu


Acne, also known as acne vulgaris, is a skin disorder that develops when oil, bacteria, and dead skin cells block the hair follicles. There are more than 1.5 million cases of acne every year, making it one of the most prevalent skin conditions. Although it affects people of all ages, teenagers and young adults are more likely to experience it. It can be difficult for people to distinguish between acne and other skin conditions. Even after receiving a diagnosis of acne, many people still have concerns such as “can acne be treated?” Yes, “but how?” People inquire not only about available treatment but also about ways to stop future recurrences. This article will help identify acne, and it also contains natural remedies that can be used.

What causes acne?

The skin pores (tiny holes) are open to follicles. A sebaceous (oil) gland and hair are present in the follicle. Sebum (oil), released by the oil gland, moves up the hair, out of the pore, and onto the skin. The skin is moisturized and softened by sebum. Thus, acne may result from one or more failures during this lubricating process.

A buildup of sebum can clog pores and promote the growth of bacteria known as Cutibacterium acnes (formerly Propionibacterium acne). As a defense mechanism, the leukocytes (white blood cells) fight the bacteria, causing skin irritation and acne. Genetics, some drugs (steroids, phenytoin, and birth control devices), stress, hormones, nutrition, and infections may also play a role in the development of acne.

What are the types of acne?

Acne is a mix of different types. They appear in various forms and include:

  1. Blackheads (open comedones): They appear dark in color at the skin’s surface.
  2. Whiteheads (closed comedones): They appear as raised lumps on the skin surface with no opening and retain their flesh color.
  3. Papules: They are tiny, red, raised bumps produced by irritated or diseased hair follicles.
  4. Pustules (pimples): They are little red bumps with yellow or white pus present at the tips.
  5. Nodules: They are large lumps frequently formed under the skin.

Cysts: They are big bumps under the skin that are filled with pus.

What are the symptoms of acne?

Although acne can appear practically anywhere on the body, there are specific areas where it is frequently seen because these areas of skin contain a large percentage of sebaceous glands. Such areas are:

  • Face
  • Chest
  • Shoulder
  • Neck
  • Upper back

Symptoms in specific areas

These symptoms are:

  • Rough, uneven skin texture
  • Dark spots and patches
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Pain and tenderness
  • Scarring

How can acne be treated?

There are several treatment options, including natural treatment and prescribed oral or topical drugs. The prescribed drugs include anti-inflammatory medications, vitamin A derivatives, antibacterial soaps, and topical antibiotics like erythromycin and clindamycin, which are the most prominent in acne management. Combination therapies can also be prescribed. Such combination therapies include:

  • Benzyl peroxide/salicylic acid
  • Clindamycin/tretinoin

Reports from the Journal of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery stated that a whopping 77 percent of people had attempted natural acne treatment. The effectiveness of the majority of natural therapies, however, needs more investigation.

Natural remedies for getting rid of acne

Below are natural remedies for getting rid of acne:

1. Tea tree oil

The leaves of the diminutive Australian native tree Melaleuca alternifolia are used to make an essential oil known as tea tree oil. A 2017 research showed that it is a valuable alternative to topical and oral antibiotics. According to a study from 2019, participants using a tea tree oil ointment for acne reported less dry skin and irritation than those using benzoyl peroxide.

To prepare:
  • Nine parts of water should be added to one part tea tree oil
  • Apply the mixture to the affected region using a cotton swab
  • The use of moisturizer is optional
  • As necessary, repeat the procedure one to two times daily.

2. Honey and cinnamon

According to a study conducted in 2017, both honey and cinnamon bark extract have antibacterial effects on Cutibacterium acnes.

To prepare:
  • Make a paste by combining two tablespoons of honey and one tablespoon of cinnamon.
  • Apply the mask to the face after cleansing.
  • Could you keep it for about fifteen minutes?
  • Thoroughly rinse the mask off, and then pat your face dry.

3. Apple cider vinegar

The unfiltered juice from crushed apples, or apple cider, is fermented to produce apple cider vinegar. It has the same antibacterial properties as other vinegar. Citric acid is one of the organic acids found in apple cider vinegar. Citric acid has been discovered to kill Cutibacterium acnes, according to research from 2016. The lactic acid in apple cider vinegar, according to a study from 2017, may also lessen the visibility of acne scars.

To prepare:
  • Combine three parts water with one part apple cider vinegar (use more water for sensitive skin).
  • Use a cotton ball to gently apply the mixture to the skin after clearing.
  • After about twenty seconds, rinse it with water and pat it dry.
  • As necessary, repeat the procedure one to two times daily.


4. Aloe vera

A transparent gel is produced by the leaves of the topical plant aloe vera. The gel is frequently included in creams, ointments, lotions, and soaps. Salicylic acid and sulfur, both found in aloe vera, are also often used to treat acne. Aloe vera may help acne when mixed with other ingredients like tretinoin cream or tree tea oil, according to research from 2018.

  • To prepare:
  • Use a spoon to scrape the aloe plant’s gel.
  • As a moisturizer, apply the gel directly to clean the skin.
  • Repeat once or twice daily, as needed.

Alternatively, 100% aloe vera can also be purchased from a store.

5. Green tea

It is most likely that green tea might lessen acne. This is because it contains polyphenols which kill bacteria and decrease inflammation. In a short trial from 2016, those who took an extract from green tea had reduced acne on their nose, chin, and mouth areas. 2020 showed that green tea extract on the skin considerably lowers acne patients’ sebum production and breakouts.

To prepare:
  • Green tea should be steeped for three to four minutes in hot water.
  • Tea should be given time to cool.
  • Apply the tea to your skin with a cotton ball or spray it with a spray bottle.
  • After letting it dry, wash it off with water, and then pat your skin dry.

Green tea is also available in the form of lotions and creams.


It’s a good thing that these natural remedies have been tested to be useful. However, further scientific research is needed to erase all forms of uncertainty. It is essential to see a dermatologist for assistance and consultations if symptoms persist. The dermatologist will help monitor the use of medications by the patient, ensure compliance as well as ensure effective therapy.